Let us take you to the other side of the fine dining journey. Packed with adventurous tastes, every dish is well harmonized to your surprise.

our brief journey

Nullam blandit condimentum risus quis interdum. Aliquam id pretium nisl. Nullam pretium magna metus, eget euismod ante placerat vel. Proin nulla sem, eleifend in neque vitae, tincidunt maximus augue. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam vehicula nunc aliquam auctor ultrices. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris vel eros nec sem suscipit vestibulum.

Aenean fermentum lectus dolor, vitae ultricies ipsum tristique malesuada. In arcu turpis, tempus in augue ut, placerat venenatis nisi. Sed quis tincidunt libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec velit sapien, hendrerit at vehicula id, porta nec orci. Sed vitae commodo nulla, vel sodales nibh. Maecenas gravida lorem vel tortor pulvinar semper. Cras eleifend quam a consequat accumsan. Phasellus sapien eros, rhoncus vitae justo sed, commodo placerat arcu.

Ut convallis suscipit felis, id iaculis libero imperdiet sit amet. Aliquam bibendum elementum enim laoreet fermentum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

taste of joy


Prawn Bisque

Smooth bisque topped with river prawn

Prawn Bisque

Smooth bisque topped with river prawn

Beef Skewers

Charcoal grilled beef skewers with fries

Beef Skewers

Charcoal grilled beef skewers with fries

Tomato Soup

Fresh tomatoes, onion, celery, and olives

Tomato Soup

Fresh tomatoes, onion, celery, and olives

Petit Carp

Small portion of fried carp with mashed potatoes

Petit Carp

Small portion of fried carp with mashed potatoes

Pâté de Salmon

Topped with cucumber and roe

Pâté de Salmon

Topped with cucumber and roe


Lighly baked tomatoes and olives on top of ciabatta


Lighly baked tomatoes and olives on top of ciabatta

Salty Aparagus

Pan-seared aparagus with special salted vegetable

Salty Aparagus

Pan-seared aparagus with special salted vegetable

Mini Fillet

Fish fillet on top of baked tomatoes and beans

Mini Fillet

Fish fillet on top of baked tomatoes and beans

salad & pasta.

Spaghetti Bolognese

Homemade-style meat sauce

Spaghetti Bolognese

Homemade-style meat sauce

Fettucine Alfredo

Creamy sauce with touch of basils

main dish.

Slow-roasted Lamb Shank

with soy sauce and sautéed mushrooms

Slow-roasted Lamb Shank

with soy sauce and sautéed mushrooms

Duck Confit

Crispy duck leg with signature apple-based sauce

Duck Confit

Crispy duck leg with signature apple-based sauce


Sponge Cake

Topped with raspberries and secret cream

Sponge Cake

Topped with raspberries and secret cream

Apple Tart

Apple tart cake with vanilla ice-cream

Apple Tart

Apple tart cake with vanilla ice-cream


Original Italian Tiramisu with chewy texture


Original Italian Tiramisu with chewy texture

Blueberry Lava

Signature blueberry stuffed cheese cake

Blueberry Lava

Signature blueberry stuffed cheese cake

6-Course Tasting Menu

Smaller course of chef’s special served with locally sourced ingredients

6-Course Tasting Menu

Smaller course of chef’s special served with locally sourced ingredients

12-Course Tasting Menu

Chef’s exclusive only served with organic and locally sourced ingredients

dip 'n sip

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis eu maximus est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec mollis mollis diam, at posuere sem sagittis nec. Curabitur sem lacus, cursus vel lectus et, hendrerit viverra odio. Integer facilisis tellus vel finibus congue.
signature cocktails
Irish Hopped Scotch
Irish Hopped Scotch
Vieux Carre
Vieux Carre
Versper Martini
Felsina, Fontalloro 2009
Felsina, Fontalloro 2009
Loimer, Langenlois 2013
Loimer, Langenlois 2013
Château de Ferrand, St. Emilion 2009
Château de Ferrand, St. Emilion 2009
Domaine Ganevat, J’en Veux 2011
Domaine Ganevat, J’en Veux 2011
Francois Villard, Saint Peray 2013
Francois Villard, Saint Peray 2013
Sauvé de la Citerne, Mas Coutelou
Sauvé de la Citerne, Mas Coutelou
Coteau D’Aix En Provence, Château Bas
Coteau D’Aix En Provence, Château Bas
Troubadour, Dansault
Troubadour, Dansault
La Mère Lach’Nous, Bruno Duchêne
La Mère Lach’Nous, Bruno Duchêne
Sancerre “Akmèniné, Sébastien Riffault”
Sancerre “Akmèniné, Sébastien Riffault”
Louis Roederer Cristal
Louis Roederer Cristal
Dom Pérignon
Dom Pérignon
RH Coutier, Brut NV
RH Coutier, Brut NV
Phillipe Gonet, Brut Rosé NV
Phillipe Gonet, Brut Rosé NV
Brut Nature, André Beaufort
Brut Nature, André Beaufort

on the table

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque et erat hendrerit, lacinia orci sit amet, ornare dui. Cras lorem urna, consequat non cursus vitae, gravida ac nibh.
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