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Make a Reservation
Party Space
Club XXI
Duis a risus a ipsum posuere accumsan non eu mi. Praesent id tempor lectus, vel vehicula tortor. Donec euismod vestibulum laoreet. Praesent quis convallis nisi. Sed sed nibh id enim porta mollis. In at felis velit. Nam non orci ut urna interdum bibendum accumsan sit amet quam.
No. of Seats40
Price150 /hours
crystal bar
Donec volutpat elit sapien, sed fermentum ligula feugiat sit amet. Sed justo ex, tincidunt nec scelerisque nec, dapibus ac diam. Integer efficitur odio ut tempus condimentum. Nullam a tincidunt arcu. Nunc congue, justo sit amet aliquam suscipit, dolor erat tristique diam, nec vehicula ante nunc vitae turpis.
No. of Seats100
Price200 /hours
Our Menu
Smooth bisque topped with river prawn
Smooth bisque topped with river prawn
Charcoal grilled beef skewers with fries
Charcoal grilled beef skewers with fries
Fresh tomatoes, onion, celery, and olives
Fresh tomatoes, onion, celery, and olives
Grilled chicken breast with Caesar dressing
Grilled chicken breast with Caesar dressing
Mixed variety of hams and herbs with cottage cheese
Mixed variety of hams and herbs with cottage cheese
Sponge-like pancake with crispy bacons
Sponge-like pancake with crispy bacons
with soy sauce and sautéed mushrooms
with soy sauce and sautéed mushrooms
Crispy duck leg with signature apple-based sauce
Crispy duck leg with signature apple-based sauce
Tenderloin steak topped with grilled foie gras
Tenderloin steak topped with grilled foie gras
Topped with raspberries and secret cream
Topped with raspberries and secret cream
Apple tart cake with vanilla ice-cream
Apple tart cake with vanilla ice-cream
Original Italian Tiramisu with chewy texture
Original Italian Tiramisu with chewy texture